Sunday 20 July 2014

Love the Little Things - Week 1

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This week I was lucky enough to stumble upon the Love the Little Things linky over at the fabulous But Why Mummy Why?. The #littleloves linky feels like it was designed just for me. A perfect opportunity to highlight the tiny things in my week that have led to a happy Mrs H. Fabulous!

The beautiful Morgana at But Why Mummy Why has been hosting the #littleloves linky since the beginning of 2014. She has just posted up her week 29 - please go and have a look at this post and the other blogs that are linked up. This is my first #littleloves post and so I am going to start at the very beginning with week 1.


I am still struggling to find time to read "Lost in a Good Book" by Jasper Fforde. It has been sitting on my Kindle for months. In that time, I think I have managed to read 2 chapters. (I used to read a book a week!)

I've mostly been trying to catch up with all my unread posts on Bloglovin'. I have particularly loved the post Being a mummy is ... dangerous by my blogger crush Diary of a Midlife Mummy. I giggled so much reading this. I empathise! Yesterday I was rudely awoken by Little Miss H biting my nose. Ouch! I am raising a vampire.
These tomes of toddler wisdom are still lying on my book shelf unread!


Yesterday I went into London to see "Invincibe" at St James Theatre with my parents. My Godmother's daugther is the actor Laura Howard and she is currently starring as Emily in this play.

"Invincible" is a dark comedy which centres around two couples, the deeply middle class and liberal Oliver and Emily and their Northern neighbours Alan and Dawn. The play makes some thought-provoking insights on culture and class.

"Invincible" is filled with many comical moments. Witnessing the uptight Emily and Oliver get very drunk is a highlight. As is the beautifully observed scene where artistic Emily is asked to give a realistic opinion on Alan's appalling portraits of his cat. There are also moments of great poignancy as each couple is forced to cope with loss.

If you are looking for something to see in the theatre then I would definitely recommend "Invincible". It is on at St James Theatre until 9th August - so snap up tickets now.


Anything that will keep me cool. I had a huge dilemma deciding what to wear into London yesterday. It has been so muggy but the forecast was rain. In the end, I went for a dress and a little pair of ankle boots, accessorised with a bright lippy. It wasn't the most stylish outfit and I was boiling in the wonderful sunshine.


I've been listening to David Bowie. I love David Bowie. His music represents my childhood. Mostly because I fancied him in "Labyrinth" (please don't judge me).


A massive mess. I put together some messy/ sensory play using water, ice and a few tubes of glittery gel icing. I didn't realise quite how sticky the icing was. The bathroom floor was pretty disgusting afterwards. Little Miss H enjoyed herself though and the colours of the gel icing were beautiful in the water.

And lastly
Our little boat bobbing along on the River Medway

I rediscovered the picture above. Mr H took this photo a few years ago for the artwork of one of his album covers. For years this boat floated on the River Medway. It was unloved, falling apart and letting in water.

I looked forward to spotting it on our walks along the Esplanade. I liked the way it was always there; floating near the more beautiful and polished day cruisers. That little boat seemed brave and courageous and always made me happy. Then one day it was gone. It was nice to be reminded of 'our' silly little boat.

What have been the little things that have made you happy this week?


Mrs H




  1. Such a lovely post, so pleased you found me and have joined in.
    The play sounds really interesting and right up my street.
    Have a great week! x

  2. Ahhhh. Thank you so much. It is such a lovely linky - I'm going to really try and join in weekly. "Invincible" was excellent. It is a really well written and beautifully acted play. It is very thought-provoking too and I think that is important in theatre. Have a wonderful week too. Enjoy the sunshine. Hugs Mrs H xxxx


Please leave me a comment. It makes me smile and I will always reply. Hugs Mrs H xxxx