Wednesday 2 July 2014

The final countdown - a month to get gorgeous!

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I know exactly what I will be doing in a month's time. I will be drinking prosecco, enjoying a baby free night and having a fantastic time. In a month's time I am going to be Matron of Honour to the beautiful and wonderful soon-to-be Mrs S. I am beyond excited. It is going to be a fabulous day.

However, something rather disturbing has just dawned on me. I am going to be in photos. Their photographer is hugely talented (check her out here: Julia and You) but even she can't make an exhausted and slightly frumpy mother of a non-sleeping and teething child look radiant.

Here is my plan of action to turn me from this...

...into this...
FYI - I will NOT be wearing a gold bikini on the day of the wedding.



I just need to do some! Exercise is not an element of my life at the moment. Unless you include the wrestling matches that accompany every nappy change and meal. So I plan to dust off my exercise DVDs and my industrial sized sports bra and discover my inner Nel McAndrew. As Kriss Akabusi would say "awooga"!


Let me tell you about most of my evenings. Little Miss goes to bed between 19.00 and 20.00. I then eat dinner with Mr H and try and have some adult conversation. I spend the next few hours doing chores and ticking things off my to-do-list. This means I normally go to bed between midnight and 1.00. 

This will not help me achieve the glowing radiance that I want to, well, glow with on the big day. Over the next month I plan to get as many early nights as possible. I need to catch up on my beauty sleep (this could take a lot longer than a month - possibly a century).


This boils down to drinking more water (boring) and drinking less booze (really boring).  I'll just forget about the wine I am drinking tonight and the alcohol Mr H and I are going to consume on our weekend away. I'll start abstaining from alcohol next Monday. 


This is going to be the hardest part of my action plan. I love cake. Seriously, I love cake. I really can't tell you how much I love cake. I find it very hard to go through a whole day without cake. I often plan to say "no" when offered cake. But then I really look at the cake. It looks good. Really good. It would be wrong not to eat the cake.I am sure you can see where I am going with this. So I need to step away from the cake and eat an apple.


I used to cleanse and moisturise my face religiously morning and night. I even loved to double cleanse (who has time for that?) Now my face is lucky to see a splash of water. I don't want my skin to look like a leather shamois in the pictures. I am sure that Mr H will be very happy that I am going to start using all the bottles of goop I own.
I admit, that this all sounds like a lot of hard work. But it is only for a month. How hard can it be to eat a banana and not a slice of banana cake for a whole month?


Mrs H


PS Have you got any events coming up that you are trying to get gorgeous for? If so, I would love to hear about them!



  1. Love this! And so apt for me right now! I also suffer from a common form of recurrent cake consumptionitis and I have a kid-free wedding coming up in... dramatic pause... two weeks! Alas my plan to transform from Jabba to Lea has failed miserably and I'm now faced with two options... buy a bigger dress or live off of air and cabbage soup for the next fortnight in a last ditch attempt to lose a stone. Crist that's depressing, I'm going to go top up my glass of Malbec to help me feel better... gah! See my problem! Good luck with your skinny balinki sexy legs quest! Keep us updated! x

    1. Two weeks - oh - good luck. In two weeks time, I may have just decided to give up and embrace the Jabba look. Spanx may have been created for just these situations. Although last time I tried Spanx I almost threw my back out trying to put them on. Giving birth may have been easier.


      Mrs H xxxxx

  2. A very amusing read - I'm a bridesmaid next May so I've got some time!

    On the exercise front drop me an email - I've got a couple of ideas that I'm working on and would be happy to share :)

    As for the cake, well... good luck to you! I've got over half a chocolate guinness cake sat on the kitchen side and I'm trying to tell myself it's not there... XXXX

    1. Hi. Thanks so much for your comment. Sorry I haven't replied sooner - I've been away. You will look stunning when you're a bridesmaid next May. I will have to drop you an email. Maybe we could become long distance exercise buddies?! I have been so naughty whilst away this weekend - lots of cooked breakfasts, prosecco and cake. Oh well, I will start again tomorrow. Did you succumb to the chocolate and guiness cake?! That sounds amazing.

      Hugs Mrs H xxxx

  3. Good luck with all of your resolutions! But you know what, your friend, Mrs S-to-be, will not care how you look, she'll just be so chuffed to have you there to be her Maid of Honour! Enjoy the wedding!

    1. Hello. Thanks for your really lovely comment. Sorry I haven't replied sooner. I know you are right that Mrs S-to-be will not be worried how I look. But I know that I will feel more confident if I have lost some of the flab. I mean back fat - what is that all about?!

      Hugs Mrs H xxxx

  4. I love this post, exactly how I feel when I have a big event coming up like my bday in 2 weeks and I failed on the diet and exercise front. But good luck with yours for the wedding I'm sure you will look fab xx #MMWBH

    1. Hey. Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting. It is quite daunting when you have a big event coming up. I hope that you enjoy our birthday. Are you having a big party? You will look lovely! Have a wonderful time and remember to enjoy the birthday cake.

      Hugs Mrs H xxxx

  5. This is so funny! But good luck with it. Know what you mean though. Just wanted to say though...bed at midnight to 1am?! Are you mad?! lol ; Seriously though, hope you achieve your goals and looking forward to hearing more x x

    1. Thanks so much. I am glad you found the post funny. I do have my funny moments. Ha ha! I am mad. 1am is far too late to go to bed. Mr H gets quite upset with me when I don't go to bed earlier. I really need my sleep as well. Hugs Mrs H xxxx

  6. Oh how I miss the double cleanse and a face mask

    1. Me too! I find wiping some eye make-up remover over my mascara time consuming. Ha ha! And to think I thought that I was busy before becoming a mummy - I had no idea! Thanks for popping by and saying hello. Hugs Mrs H xxxx


Please leave me a comment. It makes me smile and I will always reply. Hugs Mrs H xxxx