Tuesday 18 November 2014

An A - Z of Blogfest 2014: Part 2

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Last week, I wrote An A - Z of Blogfest 2014: Part 1. It is now time to embark on part 2 with the letters L - Z. 

I must admit that I hadn't fully thought this alphabet through when I published the first post. This second part is going to be tough. Wish me luck and please forgive me if I take a few liberties with some of the trickier letters.

L is for laughter - I started laughing at the beginning of the day and I don't think I ever stopped. I actually gave myself a sore throat from guffawing so much. Lucy Porter's demonstration of how a man might use a penis beaker was particularly pant wettingly hysterical!
Mumsnet Blogfest 2014, blogging, Lucy Porter, Mark Warner Holidays, Oxfam, Unilever, Project Sunlight, #ClearAPlate, Francesca Martinez, Nick Hornby, Rachel Joyce, Fleetstreet Fox, Write like no one's watching,
Trying to find my funny with Katy from What Katy Said (Photo courtesy of the lovely Karen from Stopping at two).

M is for Mark Warner Holidays - The lovely folks from Mark Warner Holidays were at the event. They were giving away a £6,000 family holiday to Rhodes. I'm still gutted that I didn't win.

N is for networking - I hadn't attended a networking event since leaving my career as a legacy fundraiser. The thought of being surrounded by masses of people I didn't know made me nervous. In the end, I may not have worked the room but I did talk confidently to a number of bloggers I had never met before .

O is for Oxfam - The charity Oxfam were there with the company Unilever to talk about Project Sunlight. The aim of this project is to create a world where "everyone lives well and lives sustainably". They also launched the #ClearAPlate campaign. In the UK we waste 11,500 tonnes of food every year. Yet there are thousands of families who go hungry or have to visit foodbanks to put a meal on the table. The aim of this campaign is to eliminate food waste by encouraging people to clear their plate. If you would like to support this campaign and Oxfam's work throughout the UK then please text PLATE to 70066 to donate £5.00.

P is for passion - Passion from the writers on the panels talking about their craft. Passion from the bloggers wanting to learn as much as they could. And passion from the brands who attended to talk about the work they were doing.

Q is for quotes - There was an abundance of quotable notables on the day. Here are just a few examples:
"Even an arsehole can change your life." Francesca Martinez
"Fuck it, I'll busk it." Lucy Porter
"Never tell anyone you're writing a book because of the pity in their eyes." Nick Hornby
"Ignore the housework and just write." Rachel Joyce
R is for regrets - I had a number of regrets about the day. The main one being that I regret that I did not pluck up the courage to hand out more business cards and speak to more people.

S is for self-confidence - I left the venue feeling confident in my abilties as a writer and a blogger. My blog makes me happy but Blogfest showed me that it can achieve more than this. Whether that is to help one mum who suffers from depression know that they are not alone. Or to make someone laugh. Or to encourage a reader to donate to charity. My writing can make a difference and that realisation is a huge boost to my self-confidence.

T is for trolls - I have always worried about how I would react if I was attacked by trolls. Thanks to Susie Boniface (a.k.a Fleetstreet Fox) I now know that the way to deal with trolls is to correct their spelling, punctuation and grammar. Apparently, it drives them mad.

U is for uniform - I wore my smart mummy uniform of a brightly coloured dress, thick black opaque tights and new black Chelsea boots

V is for voice - A writer's tone of voice was a major theme of the day. I now have renewed faith in my voice as a writer and I am going to use it at every opportunity. This may mean that I write more opinionated pieces like my recent post, Role models, feminism and blogging.  

W is for Write like no one's watching - I started reading Charlotte's blog when I became a mum. Her writing inspired me to take my blog in a different direction and that I shouldn't be ashamed to mention my depression. During the day I was able to meet Charlotte and tell her how much I love her writing.

X is for eXceptionally cool stationery (I warned you that I may need to take liberties with the letters) - I  love stationery and Blogfest gave me the perfect opportunity to buy a new notebook and pen. I also ordered some fancy business cards to hand out whilst networking. . 

Mumsnet Blogfest 2014, blogging, Lucy Porter, Mark Warner Holidays, Oxfam, Unilever, Project Sunlight, #ClearAPlate, Francesca Martinez, Nick Hornby, Rachel Joyce, Fleetstreet Fox, Write like no one's watching,
Oh so pretty!

Y is for youth - I had always worried that blogging was an occupation for the young and that at 36 years of age I was approaching retirement age. Going to Blogfest made me realise that anyone can be a blogger if they want to be. You just need a desire to write.

Z is for zzzzzzzzzzzz! - I was absolutely shattered the next day. Thankfully, my wonderful Mr H took Little Miss H to London Zoo and I was able to spend the whole day in bed. Bliss!

Blogfest was an amazing day. I now have the blogging conference bug and I've already booked myself onto Britmums 2015. 

Were you at Blogfest this year? If so, what did you think? Am I missing anything from my A-Z?


Mrs H 

Mami 2 Five


  1. Brilliant! Another superb post. I especially like... Leave the housework. You and Katy in a room together being funny. Your shamazing notebook. You being brave, the stunner that you are shouldn't have regrets you did amazing and I love your Passion! See what I did there!! Love you muchly you wonderul, kind, caring and beautiful lady!!! Xxxxx

    1. As always you are too kind. I love that picture of Katie and I. She looks gorgeous and I look ridiculous. And I love what you did with your comment. Inspiring. You should write a blog. Hee hee! Hugs Mrs H xxxx

  2. This really made me smile possum. Thank you. It was so lovely to meet you and I'm kind of touched that I made W! :D xx

    1. I am thrilled that I made you smile. You had to be W. Meeting you was one of the highlights of my day. And you are as gorgeous and lovely in real life as you come across on your blog. Please keep writing your wonderful posts. Hugs Mrs H xxxx

  3. Great post honey. Especially loving the quotes and you poking your tongue out!! Hahaha! And of course the stationery!!!! Xxxx

    1. Thanks honey. I love that picture. I am also very glad that I have elicited stationery lust in everyone. Hugs Mrs H xxxx

  4. Fab post - again!! Love how you have done a complete A to Z review of Blogfest!

    1. Thanks darling. I really didn't think I was going to make it all the way through. But I did. Woo hoo! I'm quite proud. Hugs Mrs H xxxx

  5. No way you are 36! You look my age and I am only 30 :-)
    Love this and thanks for the mention! :-) xxx

    1. Ahhhh, you are too kind. I'm blushing now. Hugs Mrs H xxxx

  6. Love it! I had wondered what you would do with the trickier letters, great job! xxx

    1. Thanks Leigh. It got tough in places. But some how I scraped through! Hugs Mrs H xxxx

  7. Fab post Lucy, wasn't it a great day, it seems so long ago now x

    1. Thanks Sarah. It was an awesome day. It filled me with inspiration. It was wonderful to meet my lovely blogger friends too. Hugs Mrs H xxxx

  8. Ahh I love this Lucy, it sounds like you had so much fun and the next one you go to you will pluck up the courage to do more! I've got my tickets to Britmums 2015 too so will definitely see you there xx

    1. Hi Hayley. Thanks for your lovely comment. It was so much fun. I felt such a novice but hopefully I'll have this blogging lark sorted by Britmums. It will be lovely to see you there. Hugs Mrs H xxxx

  9. Am very impressed that you manage to summarise Blogfest in an A to Z and only really took one slight liberty! Love the quote advising to 'ignore the housework and just write' - yup that's me! :-)

    1. Hi Louise. Thanks for your comment. I have to admit that I was quite proud of myself. After posting part 1 I was worried that I'd bitten off more than I could chew. Part 2 did involve a fair few brain storm sessions. But I got there! Hugs Mrs H xxxx

  10. Loved this A-Z such a fabe way to write about an event that was covered so much. It meant you could dip in and out - and well done on completing the list! Sometimes I start an A-Z and get so stuck and wish had never started. So well done and so lovely to meet you x

    1. Hi lovely. Thank you for your kind comment. I have to say that I did regret starting the A-Z at times. But I wanted to present the event differently. It was so lovely to meet you too. I am now hugely excited about Britmums 2015. Hugs Mrs H xxxx

  11. Love the quotes especially "Ignore the housework and just write." Rachel Joyce.....I do that regularly ;)

    1. Hello. Thanks for popping by and commenting. There were many amazing and inspiring quotes - it was hard to narrow it down. Rachel Joyce's advice to ignore the housework is my new mantra (much to Mr H's annoyance.) Hugs Mrs H xxxx

  12. Well done huni. I love this idea and you did so well xxx #SundayStars

    1. Thanks lovely lady. I am glad you enjoyed the post. I just wanted to write something a little different. Hugs Mrs H xxxx


Please leave me a comment. It makes me smile and I will always reply. Hugs Mrs H xxxx